What is The Foundation?
The White Bear Lake Lions Club Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 2014. The Foundation’s purpose is to provide funds to organizations and individuals in four key areas of service.

White Bear Lake Lions Club Foundation Mission
To receive charitably gifted funds, invest and manage these funds, and to provide a financial support to those meeting one or more of the key areas of service.
Guidelines for Grants
The grant awards will generally be in the following four key areas of service:
- Saving Sight, Hearing and Health
- Serving Youth
- Providing Disaster Relief
- Meeting Humanitarian Needs
The following activities are generally not fundable through the White Bear Lake Lions Club Foundation:
- Organizations or individuals outside White Bear Lake and it’s immediate neighboring communities
- Political activities
- Routine budgetary items
Grant request submission and evaluation process
The grant request submission and evaluation process, which incorporates four grant collection and funding decision dates each calendar year, has been approved by the White Bear Lake Lions Club Foundation Board of Directors. The process is described below.
- Grant requests must be submitted by the submission deadlines of March 31, June 30, Sept. 30, and Dec. 31 by email or mail using the downloadable Foundation Grant Request Form here: WBL Lions Foundation Grant Application Form
- The Foundation Board President will electronically forward the list of grant requests for consideration of funding, along with copies of the corresponding grant requests, to the Foundation Board by Jan. 15, April 15, July 15, or Oct. 15.
- The Foundation Board will review the grant requests and determine whether further information is needed. Grant requestors may be asked to make a presentation to GRAC to help clarify the Board’s understanding of the grant request. After receiving further information, or if further information is not needed, GRAC will make a recommendation to the WBL Lions Club Foundation Board within two weeks and make final funding decisions.
- Grant requestors will be notified of the Foundation Board’s funding decisions by the President of the Foundation Board or the President’s designee.
- At the discretion of the Foundation Board, requestors of non-funded grant requests submitted during the designated award period in each fiscal year may be encouraged to resubmit their requests for reconsideration during another award period.
- In the event that a grant request is made under extenuating circumstances, the WBL Lions Club Foundation Board may decide to hold a special meeting for grant consideration. Upon the consensus of a majority of the Foundation Board, they may make a funding decision on the extenuating grant request at any time during the year.
- Grant recipients are requested to report outcomes and share pictures (if possible) or other results of the grant within a year of receiving the grant and annually for multi-year grants. The submission of photos constitutes permission for the Foundation to use such photos for marketing, advertising or other Foundation related publications and purposes.
If you have any questions about the grant submission and evaluation process, please contact us.